A good sauce always fits
Sauces are well known all over the world. So the Carribeans like them too. We will try to publish the Recipes that we found on the islands. But we will also try to show recipes that contain our products.
Also with this sauce its a matter of experimenting to find the hotness that you like. Just get more or less of the hot sauce into...
1 big red sweet chili
1 bunch of basilleaves
1 clove of garlic
30 gr roasted pineseeds
6 sundried tomatos in oil
2 ripe tomatos
Baron Classic Pepper Sauce
50 gr fresh grounded parmesan
150 ml oliveoil
more Öl for the glass
Heat up the baking oven.
Put the cleaned and qutared sweet chili on a baking tray and get it into the oven. Turn it sometimes and keep it in the oven until the skin starts throwing bubbles. Get the tray out and put a moisty kerchief on it until its a bit colder. Peel of the skin. Peel teh tomatos roo.
Get everything in spite of the oil into a mixer and chop it all to a paste. Slowly get in the oil until you like the consistency of the paste.
Will stay fresh in the fridge up to 2 weeks if you put it into a glass and get some oil on the top so that it is sealed against the air.
Den Backofen sehr heiss vorheizen.
Die gereinigte Paprika vierteln und auf einem Blech in den Ofen geben, gelegentlich wenden, bis die Haut anfängt Blasen zu werfen. Herausnehmen und mit einem feuchten, kalten Tuch abdecken und abkühlen lassen. Wenn sie abgekühlt sind, die Haut abziehen. Die Tomaten häuten.
Alles, ausser das Öl zerkleinern und in einen Mixer geben. Glatt pürieren. Das Öl nach und nach zugeben bis die Konsistenz genehm ist.
Die Sauce kann in einem verschliessbaren Glas bis zu 2 Wochen im Kühlschrank aufgehoben werden. Luftdicht verschliessen geht einfach mit einer Schicht Öl obendrauf.
It is wellknown that the Belgians are the best producers of french fries all over the world. In nearly every Fries Shop you will find tthe famous Samurai Sauce on the table to add it to your fries.
It is a very Hot Sauce but very easy to make:
3 Tablespoons of a good Mayonaise (to have a really good one make your own)
1/2 up to 1 Teaspoon of Ericas Countrystyle Peppersauce Red.
You have to find out by yourself how much Ericas to add. Start with half a teaspoon better...
100 gr. Ericas Countrystyle Hot Sauce red
4 pc. Garlic
4 Teaspoons Korianderseed
4 Teaspoons Cumin
4 Teaspoons Carawaylsamen
2 Teaspoons Salt
12 Spoons gutes Olivenöl
Put everything aside the oil into a mixer or a mortar and mix it until you have a paste. Gently add 10 Spoons of Oil until you have a smooth paste. Put the Paste into glasses and seal it with another spoon of Oil.
Before using it the first time it should stand at least one day cold and dark. The paste lasts for aproximatly 4 months if it is stored cold and dark. Could be used very good with meat, poultry or vegetables.
Vor dem Gebrauch mindestens einen Tag kühl und dunkel stehen lassen. Das ganze ist ca. 4 Monate haltbar wenn es kühl und dunkel gelagert wird. Passt bestens zu Fleisch, Geflügel oder Gemüse.
2 garlic cloves
1 Onion
2 Sp oliveoil
2 Sp tomato puree
2 Sp brown sugar
2 Sp winevinegar
150 gr tomatoketchup
Ericas Countrystyle red or
Barons Blazing Hot Sauce
Cut onion and garlicc into small dices and stew them slightly in the heated oil. Add tomato puree, sugar, vinegar and ketchup. Boil it up shortly and add the hot sauce at last. Start with a bit and add more until it is hot enough for you.
1 red sweet chili
1 Sp Oliveoil
1 clove of garlic, Salt
1 Sp breadcrumbs
250 gr good Mayonaise
1 EL rote Ericas Hot Sauce oder
1 EL Barons Blazing Hot Sauce
Clean the sweet chili and cut it into dices and stew them with the oil in a pan. Put the garlic, the salt, the hot sauce and the sweet chili into a mixer and puree it all. Mix it with the breadcrumbs and the mayonaise.
Should be used real fresh because the garlic causes a change of taste.