0. To start

Dear customer,

here you can find the "small prints" of our business for the case of the cases.
We aim that you as our customer would be always satisfied with the products we offer and that you would tell your friends about us. Therefore we will always try to find solutions for any kind of problem.

1. Common things

All contractional relations between Grenn-Isle GBR (hereafter called "Green-Isle") and its customers are only subject to the following terms and conditions in the version which have been valid at the day of order.

They are applicable for the delivery and posting of goods that the customer ordered at green-isle via Phone, Fax, Internet, EMail written or spoken and specifically also if the goods are ordered via the green-isle webpage at www.green-isle.de. Other terms and conditions are only valid with a written agreement of green-isle.

2. Contract agreement, Prices

Green-Isle will notify the customer on th ereceipt after the order is placed. Green-Isle may accept the order within two weeks. The contract will be agreed on with the acceptance of the order by Green-Isle. The agreement shall be done in written form by email that is sent to the customer or by delivery of the ordered goods. A possible right of the customer to withdraw from the order would not be affected by this.
The prices and conditions of the website at the time of ordering are binding for green-isle. However green-isle has the right of withdrawal from the contract if there are any typos, print errors or errors in the calculations.
All Prices include German VAT. German VAT will not be billed in case of delivery outside of Germany . Green Isle reserves the right to deliver specific articles only in amounts typical for a normal household.
If an article is not available and if not ordered differently by the customer, green-isle shall offer the replacement of the article by another one that is similar in price and quality.
The customer shall be informed immidiately by Green Isle if an order cannot be fully satisfied due to the lack of a single product.

In the case of withdrawal of a contract the customer is obligated to pay to return goods to Green Isle if the costs for the transport are less than 40.00 Euros and the articles are identical with those ordered by the customer. If that is not the case the goods shall be returned free of costs for the customer.

3. Delivery

The delivery will be fullfilled by the conditions that were valid at the time of order. Specially for Green-Isle the following conditions are valid.
All details of deliverytime are without obligation. we only deliver inside of germany (for other countries please ask). The transportscosts that have to be payed by the customer are calculated of the current prices of DHL. You may pick up the products by yourself if we agree a date via email. if you do so you do not have to pay the transportation cost.
Green-Isle may do the delivery as part delivery. All additive costs will be done by Green-Isle. If the client gets into acceptance delay green-isle will claim the client for all cost that are produced by that. Further claims stay untouched.
Delivery and Transport are done on the risk of the client. for all damages during transport Green-Isle cannot be responsible. All damages are to claim imediatly at the postman/employee of transport company. Take care that the postman gives you a written note on the damage.
Green-Isle will always try to have all products in stock. But there always may be some articles ou of stock because of the long time of delivery. We beg your pardon therefore.

4. Paymentconditions, Ownershipproviso

The delivered goods stay our property until they are completly paid. The price has to be paid when we accept the order. You have to pay in a way that was mentionend on the website at the time of ordering. There is no chance for skonto.
In the case of a withdrawal of a debit entry by the bank the ordere herewith irrevocable gives green-isle the right to get his name and his adress from his bank. If the bank bills us for any costs of the withdrawal green-isle has the right to charge the client therefore.

5. Send back regulations

This part is only applicable for deals made under german law. Therefore it is written in german only.

Widerrufs- oder Rückgabebelehrung


Sie können Ihre Vertragserklärung innerhalb von 1 Monat ohne Angabe von Gründen in Textform (z. B. Brief, Fax, E-Mail) oder – wenn Ihnen die Sache vor Fristablauf überlassen wird – durch Rücksendung der Sache widerrufen. Die Frist beginnt nach Erhalt dieser Belehrung in Textform, jedoch nicht vor Eingang der Ware beim Empfänger (bei der wiederkehrenden Lieferung gleichartiger Waren nicht vor Eingang der ersten Teillieferung) und auch nicht vor Erfüllung unserer Informationspflichten gemäß Artikel 246 § 2 in Verbindung mit § 1 Abs. 1 und 2 EGBGB sowie unserer Pflichten gemäß § 312e Abs. 1 Satz 1 BGB in Verbindung mit Artikel 246 § 3 EGBGB. Zur Wahrung der Widerrufsfrist genügt die rechtzeitige Absendung des Widerrufs oder der Sache.

Der Widerruf ist zu richten an:

Inhaber Volker Lipper
Allensteiner Weg 9
44625 Herne
Mail: ebay@green-isle.de
Fax: +49 (0)2323-944351

Widerrufsfolgen Im Falle eines wirksamen Widerrufs sind die beiderseits empfangenen Leistungen zurückzugewähren und ggf. gezogene Nutzungen (z. B. Zinsen) herauszugeben. Können Sie uns die empfangene Leistung ganz oder teilweise nicht oder nur in verschlechtertem Zustand zurückgewähren, müssen Sie uns insoweit ggf. Wertersatz leisten. Bei der Überlassung von Sachen gilt dies nicht, wenn die Verschlechterung der Sache ausschließlich auf deren Prüfung – wie sie Ihnen etwa im Ladengeschäft möglich gewesen wäre – zurückzuführen ist. Für eine durch die bestimmungsgemäße Ingebrauchnahme der Sache entstandene Verschlechterung müssen Sie keinen Wertersatz leisten.

Paketversandfähige Sachen sind auf unsere Gefahr zurückzusenden. Sie haben die Kosten der Rücksendung zu tragen, wenn die gelieferte Ware der bestellten entspricht und wenn der Preis der zurückzusendenden Sache einen Betrag von 40 Euro nicht übersteigt oder wenn Sie bei einem höheren Preis der Sache zum Zeitpunkt des Widerrufs noch nicht die Gegenleistung oder eine vertraglich vereinbarte Teilzahlung erbracht haben.
Anderenfalls ist die Rücksendung für Sie kostenfrei.
Nicht paketversandfähige Sachen werden bei Ihnen abgeholt.

Verpflichtungen zur Erstattung von Zahlungen müssen innerhalb von 30 Tagen erfüllt werden. Die Frist beginnt für Sie mit der Absendung Ihrer Widerrufserklärung oder der Sache, für uns mit deren Empfang.

Ende der Widerrufsbelehrung

6. Salvatoric Clause

if one of the clauses above will get invalid all others will stay valid. The invalid clause will be replaced as soon as possible.